Working demonstration#

# Set up notebook
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

Run rompy#

# Lets use an existing config file

!cat oceanum_demo.yml
# Note that this is config demonstrates a full model
# example running off the coast of Raglan. It uses
# era5 wind forcing, and spectral boundaries from
# oceanum's global hindcast. These datasets are
# read from the oceanum catalog

run_id: oceanum
  start: 20230101T00
  duration: 6h
  interval: 1h
output_dir: simulations
  model_type: swan
    x0: 174.60
    y0: -37.95
    rot: 10.0
    dx: 0.02
    dy: 0.02
    nx: 20
    ny: 20
    gridtype: REG
    fmin: 0.0464
    fmax: 1.0
    nfreqs: 31
    ndirs: 36
      model_type: swan
      id: wind
      var: WIND
        model_type: intake
        catalog_uri: ../rompy/catalogs/oceanum.yaml
        dataset_id: era5_wind10m
          coords: [latitude]
      z1: u10
      z2: v10
      latname: latitude
      lonname: longitude
      id: bottom
      var: BOTTOM
        model_type: intake
        catalog_uri: ../rompy/catalogs/oceanum.yaml
        dataset_id: gebco_2022
      fac: -1.0
      z1: elevation
      latname: lat
      lonname: lon
      id: bnd
        model_type: intake
        catalog_uri: ../rompy/catalogs/oceanum.yaml
        dataset_id: oceanum_wave_nz_era5_v1_spec
        # dataset_id: oceanum_wave_glob05_era5_v1_spec
      latname: lat
      lonname: lon
      tolerance: 0.1
      spacing: 0.01
      sel_method: idw
      rectangle: closed
    friction: "MAD"
    friction_coeff: 0.1
      - DEPTH
      - UBOT
      - HSIGN
      - HSWELL
      - DIR
      - TPS
      - TM01
      - WIND
        - lon: 174.61
          lat: -37.96
        - lon: 174.62
          lat: -37.96
        - lon: 174.62
          lat: -37.97

# This loading is awkward due to a pydantic issue - will be fixed

from rompy import ModelRun
from rompy.swan import SwanConfig
import yaml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
from cartopy import crs as ccrs
from wavespectra import read_swan
args = yaml.load(open('oceanum_demo.yml', 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
run = ModelRun(**args)
  -37.96 174.61
  -37.96 174.62
  -37.97 174.62
# Check the grid and spectral boundary points

boundary = run.config.forcing.boundary.ds.isel(time=0)

(<Figure size 1000x1000 with 1 Axes>, <GeoAxes: >)
# Check the grid and spectral boundary points
xlim = (174, 175.0)
ylim = (-38.5, -37)

bnd_points = run.config.forcing.boundary.ds[["lat", "lon"]]
bnd_points = bnd_points.where(
        (bnd_points.lon >= xlim[0]) &
        (bnd_points.lon <= xlim[1]) &
        ( >= ylim[0]) &
        ( <= ylim[1])

fig, ax = run.config.grid.plot()
ax.plot(bnd_points.lon,, "ok", markersize=5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
xlim = ax.set_xlim(xlim)
ylim = ax.set_ylim(ylim)
# Plot bottom grid to check

fig, ax = run.config.forcing.bottom.plot(param='elevation', vmin=-70, vmax=0)
ax.plot(run.config.grid.x, run.config.grid.y, ".k");
# Plot a single time step of the wind as a check
# (note that these next three lines are done internally within the wrapper,
# we may want to write convenience methods for this)

run.config.forcing.wind.plot(isel={'time': 0}, param='u10')
(<Figure size 1000x1000 with 2 Axes>,
 <GeoAxes: title={'center': 'time = 2023-01-01'}, xlabel='longitude', ylabel='latitude'>)
INFO:rompy.model:Model settings:

        Start: 2023-01-01 00:00:00
        End: 2023-01-01 06:00:00
        Duration: 6:00:00
        Interval: 1:00:00
        Include End: True


        SwanGrid: REG, 20x20
        fmin=0.0464 fmax=1.0 nfreqs=31 ndirs=36
        bottom: DatasetIntake(catalog_uri=../rompy/catalogs/oceanum.yaml, dataset_id=gebco_2022)
        wind: DatasetIntake(catalog_uri=../rompy/catalogs/oceanum.yaml, dataset_id=era5_wind10m)
        boundary: DatasetIntake(catalog_uri=../rompy/catalogs/oceanum.yaml, dataset_id=oceanum_wave_nz_era5_v1_spec)

        friction='MAD' friction_coeff=0.1
                locations:   -37.96 174.61
  -37.96 174.62
  -37.97 174.62


INFO:rompy.model:Generating model input files in simulations
INFO:rompy.swan.config:  Processing bottom forcing   Writing bottom to simulations/oceanum/bottom.grd
INFO:rompy.swan.config:  Processing wind forcing   Writing wind to simulations/oceanum/wind.grd
INFO:rompy.swan.config:  Processing boundary forcing
INFO:rompy.model:Successfully generated project in simulations


# Run the model

!docker run  -v ./simulations/oceanum:/home oceanum/swan:4141 swan.exe

 SWAN is preparing computation

+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    4; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    5; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    5; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    5; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    5; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    6; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    6; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    6; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    6; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    7; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    7; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    7; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    7; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    8; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    8; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    8; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    8; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    9; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    9; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    9; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration    9; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   10; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   10; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   10; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   10; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   11; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   11; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   11; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   11; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   12; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   12; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   12; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   12; sweep 4
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   13; sweep 1
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   13; sweep 2
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   13; sweep 3
+time 20230101.001500   , step      1; iteration   13; sweep 4
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.003000   , step      2; iteration    4; sweep 4
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.004500   , step      3; iteration    4; sweep 4
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.010000   , step      4; iteration    4; sweep 4
+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.011500   , step      5; iteration    4; sweep 4
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.013000   , step      6; iteration    4; sweep 4
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.014500   , step      7; iteration    4; sweep 4
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    4; sweep 1
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    4; sweep 2
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    4; sweep 3
+time 20230101.020000   , step      8; iteration    4; sweep 4
+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.021500   , step      9; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.023000   , step     10; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.024500   , step     11; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.030000   , step     12; iteration    3; sweep 4
+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    3; sweep 1
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    3; sweep 2
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    3; sweep 3
+time 20230101.031500   , step     13; iteration    3; sweep 4
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.033000   , step     14; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.034500   , step     15; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.040000   , step     16; iteration    2; sweep 4
+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.041500   , step     17; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.043000   , step     18; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    2; sweep 1
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    2; sweep 2
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    2; sweep 3
+time 20230101.044500   , step     19; iteration    2; sweep 4
+time 20230101.050000   , step     20; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.050000   , step     20; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.050000   , step     20; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.050000   , step     20; iteration    1; sweep 4
+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2
+time 20230101.051500   , step     21; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.051500   , step     21; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.051500   , step     21; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.051500   , step     21; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.053000   , step     22; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.053000   , step     22; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.053000   , step     22; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.053000   , step     22; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.054500   , step     23; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.054500   , step     23; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.054500   , step     23; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.054500   , step     23; iteration    1; sweep 4
+time 20230101.060000   , step     24; iteration    1; sweep 1
+time 20230101.060000   , step     24; iteration    1; sweep 2
+time 20230101.060000   , step     24; iteration    1; sweep 3
+time 20230101.060000   , step     24; iteration    1; sweep 4
+SWAN is processing output request    1
+SWAN is processing output request    2

Plot outputs#

ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
output = xr.open_dataset('simulations/oceanum/outputs/')
output.hs.isel(time=-1).plot(ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='viridis')
<cartopy.mpl.geocollection.GeoQuadMesh at 0x7f9ddfe5db10>
ll simulations/oceanum
total 1756
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rguedes 1577857 Jun 20 10:41 bnd.bnd
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rguedes  159874 Jun 20 10:37 bottom.grd
drwxrwxr-x 2 rguedes    4096 Jun 20 10:41 datasets/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rguedes    1259 Jun 20 10:41 INPUT
-rw-r--r-- 1 root         25 Jun 20 10:41 norm_end
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rguedes     101 Jun 20 10:41 out.loc
drwxrwxr-x 2 rguedes    4096 Jun 20 10:41 outputs/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      24194 Jun 20 10:41 PRINT
-rw-r--r-- 1 root        935 Jun 20 10:41 swaninit
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rguedes     837 Jun 20 10:40 wind.grd
output = xr.open_dataset('simulations/oceanum/outputs/')
boundary = read_swan('simulations/oceanum/bnd.bnd')
x = run.config.grid.x
y = run.config.grid.y
vmin = 0.8
vmax = 1.3

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())

ds = output.hs.isel(time=-1)
bnd = boundary.sel(time=ds.time).spec.hs()

p = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, ds, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap="turbo", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax.scatter(boundary.lon,, 50, c=bnd, cmap="turbo", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, edgecolor="k", transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f9dde09ea40>
# Zip the run