Source code for

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from cloudpathlib import AnyPath
from pydantic import Field, model_validator
from pyschism.forcing.bctides import Bctides

from rompy.core import DataGrid, RompyBaseModel
from rompy.core.boundary import (BoundaryWaveStation, DataBoundary, SourceFile,
from import DATA_SOURCE_TYPES, DataBlob
from rompy.core.boundary import (
from import DataBlob
from rompy.core.time import TimeRange
from rompy.schism.grid import SCHISMGrid
from rompy.utils import total_seconds

from .namelists import Sflux_Inputs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SfluxSource(DataGrid): """This is a single variable source for and sflux input""" data_type: Literal["sflux"] = Field( default="sflux", description="Model type discriminator", ) id: str = Field("sflux_source", description="id of the source") relative_weight: float = Field( 1.0, description="relative weight of the source file if two files are provided", ) max_window_hours: float = Field( 120.0, description="maximum number of hours (offset from start time in each file) in each file of set 1", ) fail_if_missing: bool = Field( True, description="Fail if the source file is missing" ) id: str = Field(None, description="id of the source", choices=["air", "rad", "prc"]) time_buffer: list[int] = Field( default=[0, 1], description="Number of source data timesteps to buffer the time range if `filter_time` is True", ) @property def outfile(self) -> str: # TODO - filenumber is. Hardcoded to 1 for now. return f'{}.{str(1).rjust(4, "0")}.nc' @property def namelist(self) -> dict: ret = self.model_dump() for key, value in self.model_dump().items(): if key in ["relative_weight", "max_window_hours", "fail_if_missing"]: ret.update({f"{}_{key}": value}) ret.update({f"{}_file":}) return ret @property def ds(self): """Return the xarray dataset for this data source.""" ds = variables=self.variables, filters=self.filter, coords=self.coords ) # rename latitude and longitide to lat and lon ds = ds.rename_dims({self.coords.y: "ny_grid", self.coords.x: "nx_grid"}) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(ds[self.coords.x], ds[self.coords.y]) ds["lon"] = (("ny_grid", "nx_grid"), lon) ds["lat"] = (("ny_grid", "nx_grid"), lat) basedate = pd.to_datetime(ds.time.values[0]) unit = f"days since {basedate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" ds.time.attrs = { "long_name": "Time", "standard_name": "time", "base_date": np.int32( np.array( [ basedate.year, basedate.month,, basedate.hour, basedate.minute, basedate.second, ] ) ), # "units": unit, } ds.time.encoding["units"] = unit ds.time.encoding["calendar"] = "proleptic_gregorian" return ds
[docs] class SfluxAir(SfluxSource): """This is a single variable source for and sflux input""" data_type: Literal["sflux_air"] = Field( default="sflux_air", description="Model type discriminator", ) uwind_name: str = Field( "u10", description="name of zonal wind variable in source", ) vwind_name: str = Field( "v10", description="name of meridional wind variable in source", ) prmsl_name: str = Field( "mslp", description="name of mean sea level pressure variable in source", ) stmp_name: str = Field( "stmp", description="name of surface air temperature variable in source", ) spfh_name: SfluxSource = Field( "spfh", description="name of specific humidity variable in source", ) def _set_variables(self) -> None: for variable in [ "uwind_name", "vwind_name", "prmsl_name", "stmp_name", "spfh_name", ]: if getattr(self, variable) is not None: self.variables.append(getattr(self, variable)) @property def ds(self): """Return the xarray dataset for this data source.""" ds = super().ds for variable in [ "uwind_name", "vwind_name", "prmsl_name", "stmp_name", "spfh_name", ]: data_var = getattr(self, variable) if data_var not in ds.data_vars: ds[data_var] = ds[self.uwind_name].copy() if variable == "spfh_name": missing = 0.01 else: missing = -999 ds[data_var][:, :, :] = missing ds.data_vars[data_var].attrs["long_name"] = data_var return ds
[docs] class SfluxRad(SfluxSource): """This is a single variable source for and sflux input""" data_type: Literal["sflux_rad"] = Field( default="sflux_rad", description="Model type discriminator", ) dlwrf_name: SfluxSource = Field( None, description="name of downward long wave radiation variable in source", ) dswrf_name: SfluxSource = Field( None, description="name of downward short wave radiation variable in source", ) def _set_variables(self) -> None: for variable in ["dlwrf_name", "dswrf_name"]: if getattr(self, variable) is not None: self.variables.append(getattr(self, variable))
[docs] class SfluxPrc(SfluxSource): """This is a single variable source for and sflux input""" data_type: Literal["sflux_prc"] = Field( default="sflux_rad", description="Model type discriminator", ) prate_name: SfluxSource = Field( None, description="name of precipitation rate variable in source", ) def _set_variables(self) -> None: self.variables = [self.prate_name]
[docs] class SCHISMDataSflux(RompyBaseModel): data_type: Literal["sflux"] = Field( default="sflux", description="Model type discriminator", ) air_1: Union[DataBlob, SfluxAir, None] = Field(None, description="sflux air source 1") air_2: Union[DataBlob, SfluxAir, None] = Field(None, description="sflux air source 2") rad_1: Union[DataBlob, SfluxRad, None] = Field(None, description="sflux rad source 1") rad_2: Union[DataBlob, SfluxRad, None] = Field(None, description="sflux rad source 2") prc_1: Union[DataBlob, SfluxPrc, None] = Field(None, description="sflux prc source 1") prc_2: Union[DataBlob, SfluxPrc, None] = Field(None, description="sflux prc source 2")
[docs] def get( self, destdir: str | Path, grid: Optional[SCHISMGrid] = None, time: Optional[TimeRange] = None, ) -> Path: """Writes SCHISM sflux data from a dataset. Args: destdir (str | Path): The destination directory to write the sflux data. grid (Optional[SCHISMGrid], optional): The grid type. Defaults to None. time (Optional[TimeRange], optional): The time range. Defaults to None. Returns: Path: The path to the written sflux data. """ destdir = Path(destdir) / "sflux" destdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) namelistargs = {} for variable in ["air_1", "air_2", "rad_1", "rad_2", "prc_1", "prc_2"]: data = getattr(self, variable) if data is None: continue = variable"Fetching {variable}") namelistargs.update(data.namelist) data.get(destdir, grid, time) Sflux_Inputs(**namelistargs).write_nml(destdir)
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def check_weights(v): """Check that relative weights for each pair add to 1. Args: cls: The class. v: The variable. Raises: ValueError: If the relative weights for any variable do not add up to 1.0. """ for variable in ["air", "rad", "prc"]: weight = 0 active = False for i in [1, 2]: data = getattr(v, f"{variable}_{i}") if data is None: continue if data.fail_if_missing: continue weight += data.relative_weight active = True if active and weight != 1.0: raise ValueError( f"Relative weights for {variable} do not add to 1.0: {weight}" ) return v
[docs] class SCHISMDataWave(BoundaryWaveStation): """This class is used to write wave spectral boundary data. Spectral data is extracted from the nearest points along the grid boundary""" data_type: Literal["wave"] = Field( default="wave", description="Model type discriminator", ) sel_method: dict = Field( default="nearest", description="Keyword arguments for sel_method", ) sel_method_kwargs: dict = Field( default={"unique": True}, description="Keyword arguments for sel_method", ) time_buffer: list[int] = Field( default=[0, 1], description="Number of source data timesteps to buffer the time range if `filter_time` is True", )
[docs] def get( self, destdir: str | Path, grid: SCHISMGrid, time: Optional[TimeRange] = None, ) -> str: """Write the selected boundary data to a netcdf file. Parameters ---------- destdir : str | Path Destination directory for the netcdf file. grid : SCHISMGrid Grid instance to use for selecting the boundary points. time: TimeRange, optional The times to filter the data to, only used if `self.crop_data` is True. Returns ------- outfile : Path Path to the netcdf file. """"Fetching {}") if self.crop_data and time is not None: self._filter_time(time) ds = self._sel_boundary(grid) outfile = Path(destdir) / f"{}.nc" ds.spec.to_ww3(outfile) return outfile
def __str__(self): return f"SCHISMDataWave"
[docs] class SCHISMDataBoundary(DataBoundary): """This class is used to extract ocean boundary data from a griddd dataset at all open boundary nodes.""" data_type: Literal["boundary"] = Field( default="boundary", description="Model type discriminator", ) id: str = Field( "bnd", description="SCHISM th id of the source", choices=["elev2D", "uv3D", "TEM_3D", "SAL_3D", "bnd"], ) variable: str = Field(..., description="variable name in the dataset") sel_method: Literal["sel", "interp"] = Field( default="interp", description=( "Xarray method to use for selecting boundary points from the dataset" ), ) interpolate_missing_coastal: bool = Field( True, description="interpolate_missing coastal data points" ) time_buffer: list[int] = Field( default=[0, 1], description="Number of source data timesteps to buffer the time range if `filter_time` is True", ) @model_validator(mode="after") def _set_variables(self) -> "SCHISMDataBoundary": self.variables = [self.variable] return self # @property # def ds(self): # """Return the xarray dataset for this data source.""" # # I don't like this approach, as its no longer lazy # ds = super().ds # if self.extrapolate_to_coast: # for var in ds.data_vars: # ds[var] = ( # ds[var].interpolate_na( # method="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", dim=self.coords.x # ) # + ds[var].interpolate_na( # method="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", dim=self.coords.y # ) # ) / 2 # return ds
[docs] def get( self, destdir: str | Path, grid: SCHISMGrid, time: Optional[TimeRange] = None, ) -> str: """Write the selected boundary data to a netcdf file. Parameters ---------- destdir : str | Path Destination directory for the netcdf file. grid : SCHISMGrid Grid instance to use for selecting the boundary points. time: TimeRange, optional The times to filter the data to, only used if `self.crop_data` is True. Returns ------- outfile : Path Path to the netcdf file. """ # prepare xarray.Dataset and save forcing netCDF file outfile = Path(destdir) / f"{}" boundary_ds = self.boundary_ds(grid, time) boundary_ds.to_netcdf(outfile, "w", "NETCDF3_CLASSIC", unlimited_dims="time") return outfile
[docs] def boundary_ds(self, grid: SCHISMGrid, time: Optional[TimeRange]) -> xr.Dataset:"Fetching {}") if self.crop_data and time is not None: self._filter_time(time) ds = self._sel_boundary(grid) if len(ds.time) > 1: dt = total_seconds((ds.time[1] - ds.time[0]).values) else: dt = 3600 data = ds[self.variable].values if self.interpolate_missing_coastal: for i in range(data.shape[0]): data[i, :] = fill_tails(data[i, :]) time_series = np.expand_dims(data, axis=(2, 3)) schism_ds = xr.Dataset( coords={ "time": ds.time, "nOpenBndNodes": np.arange(0, ds.xlon.size), "nComponents": np.array([1]), "one": np.array([1]), }, data_vars={ "time_step": (("one"), np.array([dt])), "time_series": ( ("time", "nOpenBndNodes", "nLevels", "nComponents"), time_series, ), }, ) schism_ds.time_step.assign_attrs({"long_name": "time_step"}) basedate = pd.to_datetime(ds.time.values[0]) unit = f"days since {basedate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" schism_ds.time.attrs = { "long_name": "Time", "standard_name": "time", "base_date": np.int32( np.array( [ basedate.year, basedate.month,, basedate.hour, basedate.minute, basedate.second, ] ) ), # "units": unit, } schism_ds.time.encoding["units"] = unit schism_ds.time.encoding["calendar"] = "proleptic_gregorian" if schism_ds.time_series.isnull().any(): msg = "Some values are null. This will cause SCHISM to crash. Please check your data." logger.warning(msg) return schism_ds
def fill_tails(arr): """If the tails of 1d array are nan, fill with the last non nan value.""" mask = np.isnan(arr) idx = np.where(~mask, np.arange(mask.shape[0]), 0) np.maximum.accumulate(idx, axis=0, out=idx) out = arr[idx] # repoat the same from the other end reverse = out[::-1] mask = np.isnan(reverse) idx = np.where(~mask, np.arange(mask.shape[0]), 0) np.maximum.accumulate(idx, axis=0, out=idx) out = reverse[idx] return out[::-1]
[docs] class SCHISMDataOcean(RompyBaseModel): """This class is used define all ocean boundary forcing""" data_type: Literal["ocean"] = Field( default="ocean", description="Model type discriminator", ) elev2D: Optional[Union[DataBlob, SCHISMDataBoundary]] = Field( None, description="elev2D", ) uv3D: Optional[Union[DataBlob, SCHISMDataBoundary]] = Field( None, description="uv3D", ) TEM_3D: Optional[Union[DataBlob, SCHISMDataBoundary]] = Field( None, description="TEM_3D", ) SAL_3D: Optional[Union[DataBlob, SCHISMDataBoundary]] = Field( None, description="SAL_3D", )
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def not_yet_implemented(cls, v): for variable in ["uv3D", "TEM_3D", "SAL_3D"]: if getattr(v, variable) is not None: raise NotImplementedError(f"Variable {variable} is not yet implemented") return v
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def set_id(cls, v): for variable in ["elev2D", "uv3D", "TEM_3D", "SAL_3D"]: if getattr(v, variable) is not None: getattr(v, variable).id = variable return v
[docs] def get( self, destdir: str | Path, grid: SCHISMGrid, time: Optional[TimeRange] = None, ) -> str: """Write all inputs to netcdf files. Parameters ---------- destdir : str | Path Destination directory for the netcdf file. grid : SCHISMGrid, Grid instance to use for selecting the boundary points. time: TimeRange, optional The times to filter the data to, only used if `self.crop_data` is True. Returns ------- outfile : Path Path to the netcdf file. """ for variable in ["elev2D", "uv3D", "TEM_3D", "SAL_3D"]: data = getattr(self, variable) if data is None: continue data.get(destdir, grid, time)
def __str__(self): return f"SCHISMDataOcean"
class TidalDataset(RompyBaseModel): """This class is used to define the tidal dataset""" data_type: Literal["tidal_dataset"] = Field( default="tidal_dataset", description="Model type discriminator", ) elevations: AnyPath = Field(..., description="Path to elevations file") velocities: AnyPath = Field(..., description="Path to currents file") def get(self, destdir: str | Path) -> str: """Write all inputs to netcdf files. Parameters ---------- destdir : str | Path Destination directory for the netcdf file. Returns ------- outfile : Path Path to the netcdf file. """ # TODO need to put some smarts in here for remote files os.environ["TPXO_ELEVATION"] = self.elevations.as_posix() os.environ["TPXO_VELOCITY"] = self.velocities.as_posix()
[docs] class SCHISMDataTides(RompyBaseModel): """This class is used to define the tidal forcing for SCHISM.""" data_type: Literal["tides"] = Field( default="tide", description="Model type discriminator", ) tidal_data: TidalDataset = Field(..., description="tidal dataset") cutoff_depth: float = Field( 50.0, description="cutoff depth for tides", ) flags: Optional[list] = Field([[5, 3, 0, 0]], description="nested list of bctypes") constituents: Union[str, list] = Field("major", description="constituents") database: str = Field("tpxo", description="database", choices=["tpxo", "fes2014"]) add_earth_tidal: bool = Field(True, description="add_earth_tidal") ethconst: Optional[list] = Field( [], description="constant elevation value for each open boundary" ) vthconst: Optional[list] = Field( [], description="constant discharge value for each open boundary" ) tthconst: Optional[list] = Field( [], description="constant temperature value for each open boundary" ) sthconst: Optional[list] = Field( [], description="constant salinity value for each open boundary" ) tobc: Optional[list[float]] = Field( [1], description="nuding factor of temperature for each open boundary" ) sobc: Optional[list[float]] = Field( [1], description="nuding factor of salinity for each open boundary" ) relax: Optional[list[float]] = Field( [], description="relaxation constants for inflow and outflow" )
[docs] def get(self, destdir: str | Path, grid: SCHISMGrid, time: TimeRange) -> str: """Write all inputs to netcdf files. Parameters ---------- destdir : str | Path Destination directory for the netcdf file. grid : SCHISMGrid Grid instance to use for selecting the boundary points. time: TimeRange, optional The times to filter the data to, only used if `self.crop_data` is True. Returns ------- outfile : Path Path to the netcdf file. """ self.tidal_data.get(destdir)"Generating tides") bctides = Bctides( hgrid=grid.pyschism_hgrid, flags=self.flags, constituents=self.constituents, database=self.database, add_earth_tidal=self.add_earth_tidal, cutoff_depth=self.cutoff_depth, ethconst=self.ethconst, vthconst=self.vthconst, tthconst=self.tthconst, sthconst=self.sthconst, tobc=self.tobc, sobc=self.sobc, relax=self.relax, ) bctides.write( destdir, # +'/', start_date=time.start, rnday=time.end - time.start, overwrite=True, )
[docs] class SCHISMData(RompyBaseModel): """ This class is used to gather all required input forcing for SCHISM """ data_type: Literal["schism"] = Field( default="schism", description="Model type discriminator", ) atmos: Optional[SCHISMDataSflux] = Field(None, description="atmospheric data") ocean: Optional[SCHISMDataOcean] = Field(None, description="ocean data") wave: Optional[Union[DataBlob, SCHISMDataWave]] = Field(None, description="wave data") tides: Optional[Union[DataBlob, SCHISMDataTides]] = Field(None, description="tidal data")
[docs] def get( self, destdir: str | Path, grid: Optional[SCHISMGrid] = None, time: Optional[TimeRange] = None, ) -> None: ret = {} # if time: # # Bump enddate by 1 hour to make sure we get the last time step # time = TimeRange( # start=time.start, # end=time.end + timedelta(hours=1), # interval=time.interval, # include_end=time.include_end, # ) for datatype in ["atmos", "ocean", "wave", "tides"]: data = getattr(self, datatype) if data is None: continue if type(data) is DataBlob: output = data.get(destdir) else: output = data.get(destdir, grid, time) ret.update({datatype: output}) # ret[ # "wave" # ] = "dummy" # Just to make cookiecutter happy if excluding wave forcing return ret