pydantic model[source]#

This is a single variable source for and sflux input

field data_type: Literal['sflux_air'] = 'sflux_air'#

Model type discriminator

field prmsl_name: str = 'mslp'#

name of mean sea level pressure variable in source

field spfh_name: SfluxSource = 'spfh'#

name of specific humidity variable in source

field stmp_name: str = 'stmp'#

name of surface air temperature variable in source

field uwind_name: str = 'u10'#

name of zonal wind variable in source

field vwind_name: str = 'v10'#

name of meridional wind variable in source

model_post_init(context: Any, /) None#

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.

property ds#

Return the xarray dataset for this data source.