pydantic model[source]#

This class is used to write wave spectral boundary data. Spectral data is extracted from the nearest points along the grid boundary


field data_type: Literal['wave'] = 'wave'#

Model type discriminator

field sel_method: dict = 'nearest'#

Keyword arguments for sel_method

field sel_method_kwargs: dict = {'unique': True}#

Keyword arguments for sel_method

field time_buffer: list[int] = [0, 1]#

Number of source data timesteps to buffer the time range if filter_time is True

get(destdir: str | Path, grid: SCHISMGrid, time: TimeRange | None = None) str[source]#

Write the selected boundary data to a netcdf file. :param destdir: Destination directory for the netcdf file. :type destdir: str | Path :param grid: Grid instance to use for selecting the boundary points. :type grid: SCHISMGrid :param time: The times to filter the data to, only used if self.crop_data is True. :type time: TimeRange, optional


outfile – Path to the netcdf file.

Return type:


model_post_init(context: Any, /) None#

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.