
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics.ST6C5[source]#

Fifth ST6 calibration in the SWAN user manual.

ST6 4.7e-7 6.6e-6 4.0 4.0 UP HWANG VECTAU U10PROXY 28.0 AGROW


In [71]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics import ST6C5

In [72]: st6 = ST6C5()

In [73]: print(st6.render())
ST6 a1sds=6.5e-06 a2sds=8.5e-05 p1sds=4.0 p2sds=4.0 UP HWANG VECTAU U10PROXY windscaling=35.0 DEBIAS cdfac=0.89 AGROW

field a: float | None = None#

Proportionality coefficient when activating the Cavaleri and Malanotte (1981) wave growth term (SWAN default: 0.0015)

Validated by:
field a1sds: Literal[6.5e-06] = 6.5e-06#
Validated by:
field a2sds: Literal[8.5e-05] = 8.5e-05#
Validated by:
field agrow: Literal[True] = True#
Validated by:
field cdfac: Literal[0.89] = 0.89#
Validated by:
field model_type: Literal['st6c5'] = 'st6c5'#
Validated by:
field normalization: Literal['up', 'down'] = 'up'#

Selection of normalization of exceedance level by ET(f) (up) or E(f) (down) as in RBW12 (right column, page 1333), up is default and strongly recommended

Validated by:
field p1sds: Literal[4.0] = 4.0#
Validated by:
field p2sds: Literal[4.0] = 4.0#
Validated by:
field tau: Literal['vectau', 'scatau'] = 'vectau'#

Use vector (vectau) or scalar (scatau) calculation for the wind strerss (Eq. 12 in RBW12), vectau is the default and strongly recommended

Validated by:
field u10: Literal['u10proxy', 'true10'] = 'u10proxy'#

Wind velocity definition

Validated by:
field wind_drag: Literal['hwang', 'fan', 'ecmwf'] = 'hwang'#

Wind drag formula, hwang is the default and is unchanged from RBW12, fan is from Fan et al. (2012), ecmwf follows WAM Cycle 4 methodology

Validated by:
field windscaling: Literal[35.0] = 35.0#
Validated by: