
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics.KOMEN[source]#

Komen source terms subcomponent.

KOMEN [cds2] [stpm] (AGROW [a])


Komen, G.J., Hasselmann, S. and Hasselmann, K., 1984. On the existence of a fully developed wind-sea spectrum. Journal of physical oceanography, 14(8), pp.1271-1285.


In [32]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics import KOMEN

In [33]: komen = KOMEN()

In [34]: print(komen.render())

In [35]: komen = KOMEN(cds2=2.36e-5, stpm=3.02e-3, agrow=True, a=0.0015)

In [36]: print(komen.render())
KOMEN cds2=2.36e-05 stpm=0.00302 DRAG WU AGROW a=0.0015
field a: float | None = None#

Proportionality coefficient when activating the Cavaleri and Malanotte (1981) wave growth term (SWAN default: 0.0015)

field agrow: bool = False#

Activate the Cavaleri and Malanotte (1981) wave growth term

field cds2: float | None = None#

Coefficient for determining the rate of whitecapping dissipation (Cds) (SWAN default: 2.36e-5)

field model_type: Literal['komen', 'KOMEN'] = 'komen'#

Model type discriminator

field stpm: float | None = None#

Value of the wave steepness for a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum (s^2_PM) (SWAN default: 3.02e-3)

field wind_drag: Literal['wu', 'fit'] = 'wu'#

Indicates the wind drag formulation

cmd() str[source]#