
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics.JANSSEN[source]#

Janssen source terms subcomponent.

JANSSEN [cds1] [delta] (AGROW [a])


Janssen, P.A., 1989. Wave-induced stress and the drag of air flow over sea waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(6), pp.745-754.

Janssen, P.A.E.M., Lionello, P. and Zambresky, L., 1989. On the interaction of wind and waves. Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 329(1604), pp.289-301.

Janssen, P.A., 1991. Quasi-linear theory of wind-wave generation applied to wave forecasting. Journal of physical oceanography, 21(11), pp.1631-1642.


In [27]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics import JANSSEN

In [28]: janssen = JANSSEN()

In [29]: print(janssen.render())

In [30]: janssen = JANSSEN(cds1=4.5, delta=0.5, agrow=True)

In [31]: print(janssen.render())
JANSSEN cds1=4.5 delta=0.5 DRAG WU AGROW
field a: float | None = None#

Proportionality coefficient when activating the Cavaleri and Malanotte (1981) wave growth term (SWAN default: 0.0015)

field agrow: bool = False#

Activate the Cavaleri and Malanotte (1981) wave growth term

field cds1: float | None = None#

Coefficient for determining the rate of whitecapping dissipation ($Cds / s^4_{PM}$) (SWAN default: 4.5)

field delta: float | None = None#

Coefficient which determines the dependency of the whitecapping on wave number (mix with Komen et al. formulation) (SWAN default: 0.5)

field model_type: Literal['janssen', 'JANSSEN'] = 'janssen'#

Model type discriminator

field wind_drag: Literal['wu', 'fit'] = 'wu'#

Indicates the wind drag formulation

cmd() str[source]#