
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics.GODA[source]#

DAM transmission of Goda/Seelig (1979).

DAM GODA [hgt] [alpha] [beta]

This option specified transmission coefficients dependent on the incident wave conditions at the obstacle and on the obstacle height (which may be submerged).


Goda, Y. and Suzuki, Y., 1976. Estimation of incident and reflected waves in random wave experiments. In Coastal Engineering 1976 (pp. 828-845).

Seelig, W.N., 1979. Effects of breakwaters on waves: Laboratory test of wave transmission by overtopping. In Proc. Conf. Coastal Structures, 1979 (Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 941-961).


In [22]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics import GODA

In [23]: transm = GODA(hgt=3.0)

In [24]: print(transm.render())
DAM GODA hgt=3.0

In [25]: transm = GODA(hgt=3.0, alpha=2.6, beta=0.15)

In [26]: print(transm.render())
DAM GODA hgt=3.0 alpha=2.6 beta=0.15
field alpha: float | None = None#

coefficient determining the transmission coefficient for Goda’s transmission formula (SWAN default: 2.6)

field beta: float | None = None#

Another coefficient determining the transmission coefficient for Goda’s transmission formula (SWAN default: 0.15)

field hgt: float [Required]#

The elevation of the top of the obstacle above reference level (same reference level as for bottom etc.); use a negative value if the top is below that reference level

field model_type: Literal['goda', 'GODA'] = 'goda'#

Model type discriminator

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this subcomponent.