
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics.DANGREMOND[source]#

DAM transmission of d’Angremond et al. (1996).

DAM DANGREMOND [hgt] [slope] [Bk]

This option specifies transmission coefficients dependent on the incident wave conditions at the obstacle and on the obstacle height (which may be submerged).


d’Angremond, K., Van Der Meer, J.W. and De Jong, R.J., 1996. Wave transmission at low-crested structures. In Coastal Engineering 1996 (pp. 2418-2427).


In [4]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics import DANGREMOND

In [5]: transm = DANGREMOND(hgt=3.0, slope=60, Bk=10.0)

In [6]: print(transm.render())
DAM DANGREMOND hgt=3.0 slope=60.0 Bk=10.0
field Bk: float [Required]#

The crest width of the obstacle

field hgt: float [Required]#

The elevation of the top of the obstacle above reference level (same reference level as for bottom etc.); use a negative value if the top is below that reference level

field model_type: Literal['dangremond', 'DANGREMOND'] = 'dangremond'#

Model type discriminator

field slope: float [Required]#

The slope of the obstacle (in degrees)

  • ge = 0.0

  • le = 90.0

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this subcomponent.