- pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics.DEWIT[source]#
Biphase of De Wit (2022).
Biphase parameterization based on bed slope and peak period of De Wit (2022).
De Wit, F.P., 2022. Wave shape prediction in complex coastal systems (Doctoral dissertation, PhD. thesis. Delft University of Technology. https://repository. tudelft. nl/islandora/object/uuid% 3A0fb850a4-4294-4181-9d74-857de21265c2).
In [7]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.physics import DEWIT In [8]: biphase = DEWIT() In [9]: print(biphase.render()) BIPHASE DEWIT In [10]: biphase = DEWIT(lpar=0.0) In [11]: print(biphase.render()) BIPHASE DEWIT lpar=0.0
- field lpar: float | None = None#
Scales spatial averaging of the De Wit’s biphase in terms of a multiple of peak wave length of the incident wave field. Note: lpar = 0` means no averaging (SWAN default: 0)
- field model_type: Literal['dewit'] = 'dewit'#
Model type discriminator