
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.time.TimeRangeOpen[source]#

Regular times with an open boundary.

[tbeg] [delt] SEC|MIN|HR|DAY

Time is rendered in one of the following formats:

  • 1: ISO-notation 19870530.153000

  • 2: (as in HP compiler) ‘30-May-87 15:30:00’

  • 3: (as in Lahey compiler) 05/30/87.15:30:00

  • 4: 15:30:00

  • 5: 87/05/30 15:30:00’

  • 6: as in WAM 8705301530


The tbeg field can be specified as:

  • existing datetime object

  • int or float, assumed as Unix time, i.e. seconds (if >= -2e10 or <= 2e10) or milliseconds (if < -2e10 or > 2e10) since 1 January 1970.

  • ISO 8601 time string.


The tdelta field can be specified as:

  • existing timedelta object

  • int or float, assumed as seconds

  • ISO 8601 duration string, following formats work:

    • [-][DD ][HH:MM]SS[.ffffff]

    • [±]P[DD]DT[HH]H[MM]M[SS]S (ISO 8601 format for timedelta)


Default values for the time specification fields are provided for the case where the user wants to set times dynamically after instantiating this subcomponent.


In [163]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.time import TimeRangeOpen

In [164]: from datetime import datetime, timedelta

In [165]: times = TimeRangeOpen(
   .....:     tbeg=datetime(1990, 1, 1), delt=timedelta(minutes=30), dfmt="min"
   .....: )

In [166]: print(times.render())
tbeg=19900101.000000 delt=30.0 MIN

In [167]: times = TimeRangeOpen(
   .....:     tbeg="2012-01-01T00:00:00", delt="PT1H", tfmt=2, dfmt="hr", suffix="blk"
   .....: )

In [168]: print(times.render())
tbegblk='01-Jan-12 00:00:00' deltblk=1.0 HR
field delt: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)#

Time interval

field dfmt: Literal['sec', 'min', 'hr', 'day'] = 'sec'#

Format to render time interval specification

field model_type: Literal['open', 'OPEN'] = 'open'#

Model type discriminator

field suffix: str = ''#

Suffix to prepend to argument names when rendering

field tbeg: datetime = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0)#

Start time

field tfmt: Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | str = 1#

Format to render time specification

cmd() str[source]#

Render subcomponent cmd.