
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.numerics.SETUP[source]#

Stop criteria in the computation of wave setup.

SETUP [eps2] [outp] [niter]

Controls the stopping criterion and amount of output for the SOR solver in the computation of the wave-induced set-up.


In [302]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.numerics import SETUP

In [303]: setup = SETUP()

In [304]: print(setup.render())

In [305]: setup = SETUP(eps2=1e-4, outp=0, niter=20)

In [306]: print(setup.render())
SETUP eps2=0.0001 outp=0 niter=20
field eps2: float | None = None#

Relative stopping criterion to terminate the linear solver (SIP or SOR). (SWAN default: 1.e-4 in case of SIP and 1.e-6 in case of SOR)

field model_type: Literal['setup', 'SETUP'] = 'setup'#

Model type discriminator

field niter: int | None = None#

Maximum number of iterations for the linear solver (SWAN default: 20 in case of SIP and 1000 in case of SOR)

field outp: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3] | None = None#

Output for the iterative solver:

  • 0 = no output

  • 1 = additional information about the iteration process is written to the PRINT file

  • 2 = gives a maximal amount of output concerning the iteration process

  • 3 = summary of the iteration process

(SWAN default: 0)

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.