
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.numerics.ACCUR[source]#

Stop the iterative procedure.

ACCUR [drel] [dhoval] [dtoval] [npnts] ->STAT|NONSTAT [limiter]

With this option the user can influence the criterion for terminating the iterative procedure in the SWAN computations (both stationary and non-stationary modes). SWAN stops the iterations if (a), (b) and (c) are all satisfied:

  1. The change in the local significant wave height Hs from one iteration to the next is less than (1) fraction drel of that height or (2) fraction dhoval of the average Hs over all grid points.

  2. The change in the local mean wave period Tm01 from one iteration to the next is less than (1) fraction drel of that period or (2) fraction dtoval of the average mean wave period over all wet grid points.

  3. Conditions (a) and (b) are fulfilled in more than fraction npnts% of all wet grid points.


This command has become obsolete in SWAN 41.01. The command STOPC should be used.


In [276]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.numerics import ACCUR

In [277]: accur = ACCUR()

In [278]: print(accur.render())

In [279]: accur = ACCUR(
   .....:     drel=0.01,
   .....:     dhoval=0.02,
   .....:     dtoval=0.02,
   .....:     npnts=98.0,
   .....:     mode=dict(model_type="nonstat", mxitns=1),
   .....:     limiter=0.1,
   .....: )

In [280]: print(accur.render())
ACCUR drel=0.01 dhoval=0.02 dtoval=0.02 npnts=98.0 NONSTATIONARY mxitns=1 limiter=0.1
field dhoval: float | None = None#

Fraction of the average Hs over all wet grid points below which the the stopping criteria needs to be satisfied (SWAN default: 0.02)

field drel: float | None = None#

Maximum relative change in Hs or Tm01 from one iteration to the next (SWAN default: 0.02)

field dtoval: float | None = None#

Fraction of the average Tm01 over all wet grid points below which the the stopping criteria needs to be satisfied (SWAN default: 0.02)

field limiter: float | None = None#

Determines the maximum change per iteration of the energy density per spectral-bin given in terms of a fraction of the omni-directional Phillips level (SWAN default: 0.1)

field mode: STAT | NONSTAT | None = None#

Termination criteria for stationary or nonstationary runs

field model_type: Literal['accur', 'ACCUR'] = 'accur'#

Model type discriminator

field npnts: float | None = None#

Percentage of points in the computational grid above which the stopping criteria needs to be satisfied (SWAN default: 98)

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.