
pydantic model rompy.swan.subcomponents.boundary.HOTMULTIPLE[source]#

Hotstart multiple initial conditions.


Initial wave field is read from file; this file was generated in a previous SWAN run by means of the HOTFILE command. If the previous run was nonstationary, the time found on the file will be assumed to be the initial time of computation. It can also be used for stationary computation as first guess. The computational grid (both in geographical space and in spectral space) must be identical to the one in the run in which the initial wave field was computed

Input will be read from multiple hotfiles obtained from a previous parallel MPI run. The number of files equals the number of processors. Hence, for the present run the same number of processors must be chosen.


In [250]: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.boundary import HOTMULTIPLE

In [251]: init = HOTMULTIPLE(fname="hotstart.swn", format="free")

In [252]: print(init.render())
HOTSTART MULTIPLE fname='hotstart.swn' FREE
field fname: str [Required]#

Name of the file containing the initial wave field

  • max_length = 36

field format: Literal['free', 'unformatted'] = 'free'#

Format of the file containing the initial wave field. FREE: free format, UNFORMATTED: binary format

field model_type: Literal['hotmultiple', 'HOTMULTIPLE'] = 'hotmultiple'#

Model type discriminator

cmd() str[source]#

Render subcomponent cmd.