
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.startup.PROJECT[source]#

SWAN Project.

PROJECT 'name' 'nr' 'title' 'title2 'title3'

With this required command the user defines a number of strings to identify the SWAN run (project name e.g., an engineering project) in the print and plot file.


In [225]: from rompy.swan.components.startup import PROJECT

In [226]: proj = PROJECT(nr="01")

In [227]: print(proj.render())
PROJECT nr='01'

In [228]: proj = PROJECT(
   .....:     name="waus",
   .....:     nr="001",
   .....:     title1="Western Australia",
   .....:     title2="Perth Nest"
   .....: )

In [229]: print(proj.render())
PROJECT name='waus' nr='001' title1='Western Australia' title2='Perth Nest'
field model_type: Literal['project', 'PROJECT'] = 'project'#

Model type discriminator

field name: str | None = None#

Is the name of the project, at most 16 characters long

  • max_length = 16

field nr: str [Required]#

Is the run identification (to be provided as a character string; e.g. the run number) to distinguish this run among other runs for the same project; it is at most 4 characters long. It is the only required information in this command.

  • max_length = 4

field title1: str | None = None#

A string of at most 72 characters provided by the user to appear in the output of the program for the user’s convenience (SWAN default: blanks)

  • max_length = 72

field title2: str | None = None#

Same as ‘title1’

  • max_length = 72

field title3: str | None = None#

Same as ‘title1’

  • max_length = 72

cmd() str[source]#

Return the string or list of strings to render the component to the CMD.