
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.physics.WCAPPING_AB[source]#

Whitecapping according to Alves and Banner (2003).

WCAPPING AB [cds2] [br] CURRENT [cds3]


Alves, J.H.G. and Banner, M.L., 2003. Performance of a saturation-based dissipation-rate source term in modeling the fetch-limited evolution of wind waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33(6), pp.1274-1298.


In [205]: from rompy.swan.components.physics import WCAPPING_AB

In [206]: wcapping = WCAPPING_AB()

In [207]: print(wcapping.render())

In [208]: wcapping = WCAPPING_AB(cds2=5.0e-5, br=1.75e-3, current=True, cds3=0.8)

In [209]: print(wcapping.render())
WCAPPING AB cds2=5e-05 br=0.00175 CURRENT cds3=0.8
field br: float | None = None#

Threshold saturation level (SWAN default: 1.75e-3)

field cds2: float | None = None#

proportionality coefficient due to Alves and Banner (2003) (SWAN default: 5.0e-5)

field cds3: float | None = None#

Proportionality coefficient (SWAN default: 0.8)

field current: bool = False#

Indicates that enhanced current-induced dissipation as proposed by Van der Westhuysen (2012) is to be added

field model_type: Literal['ab', 'AB'] = 'ab'#

Model type discriminator

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.