
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.physics.SICE[source]#

Sea ice dissipation.

SICE [aice]

Using this command, the user activates a sink term to represent the dissipation of wave energy by sea ice. The default method is R19 empirical/parametric: a polynomial based on wave frequency (Rogers, 2019). This polynomial (in 1/m) has seven dimensional coefficients; see Scientific/Technical documentation for details. If this command is not used, SWAN will not account for sea ice effects.


Doble, M.J., De Carolis, G., Meylan, M.H., Bidlot, J.R. and Wadhams, P., 2015. Relating wave attenuation to pancake ice thickness, using field measurements and model results. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(11), pp.4473-4481.

Meylan, M.H., Bennetts, L.G. and Kohout, A.L., 2014. In situ measurements and analysis of ocean waves in the Antarctic marginal ice zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(14), pp.5046-5051.

Rogers, W.E., Meylan, M.H. and Kohout, A.L., 2018. Frequency distribution of dissipation of energy of ocean waves by sea ice using data from Wave Array 3 of the ONR “Sea State” field experiment. Nav. Res. Lab. Memo. Rep, pp.18-9801.

Rogers, W.E., Meylan, M.H. and Kohout, A.L., 2021. Estimates of spectral wave attenuation in Antarctic sea ice, using model/data inversion. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 182, p.103198.


Iis also necessary to describe the ice, using the ICE command (for uniform and stationary ice) or INPGRID/READINP commands (for variable ice).


In [129]: from rompy.swan.components.physics import SICE

In [130]: sice = SICE()

In [131]: print(sice.render())

In [132]: sice = SICE(aice=0.5)

In [133]: print(sice.render())
SICE aice=0.5

TODO: Verify if the aice parameter should be used with SICE command, it is not shown in the command tree but it is described as an option in the description.

field aice: float | None = None#

Ice concentration as a fraction from 0 to 1. Note that aice is allowed to vary over the computational region to account for the zonation of ice concentration. In that case use the commands INPGRID AICE and READINP AICE to define and read the sea concentration. The value of aice in this command is then not required (it will be ignored)

  • ge = 0.0

  • le = 1.0

field model_type: Literal['sice', 'SICE'] = 'sice'#

Model type discriminator

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.