
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.physics.OBSTACLES[source]#

List of swan obstacles.

OBSTACLE ... LINE < [xp] [yp] >
OBSTACLE ... LINE < [xp] [yp] >

This group component is a convenience to allow defining and rendering a list of obstacle components.


In [94]: from rompy.swan.components.physics import OBSTACLES, OBSTACLE, OBSTACLE_FIG

In [95]: obst1 = dict(
   ....:     model_type="obstacle",
   ....:     reflection=dict(reflc=1.0),
   ....:     line=dict(xp=[174.1, 174.2, 174.3], yp=[-39.1, -39.1, -39.1]),
   ....: )

In [96]: obst2 = OBSTACLE(
   ....:     transmission=dict(model_type="transm"),
   ....:     line=dict(xp=[174.3, 174.3], yp=[-39.1, -39.2]),
   ....: )

In [97]: obst3 = OBSTACLE_FIG(
   ....:     alpha1=5e-4,
   ....:     hss=2.5,
   ....:     tss=10.3,
   ....:     line=dict(xp=[174.1, 174.2, 174.3], yp=[-39.1, -39.1, -39.1]),
   ....: )

In [98]: obstacles = OBSTACLES(obstacles=[obst1, obst2, obst3])

In [99]: for obst in obstacles.render():
   ....:     print(obst)
OBSTACLE REFL reflc=1.0 LINE 174.1 -39.1 174.2 -39.1 174.3 -39.1
OBSTACLE TRANSM LINE 174.3 -39.1 174.3 -39.2
OBSTACLE FIG alpha1=0.0005 hss=2.5 tss=10.3 LINE 174.1 -39.1 174.2 -39.1 174.3 -39.1
field model_type: Literal['obstacles', 'OBSTACLES'] = 'obstacles'#

Model type discriminator

field obstacles: list[OBSTACLE | OBSTACLE_FIG] [Required]#

Obstacle component

cmd() list[source]#

Command file strings for this component.

render() str[source]#

Override base class to allow rendering list of components.