
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.physics.NEGATINP[source]#

Negative wind input.

NEGATINP [rdcoef]

With this optional command the user activates negative wind input. This is intended only for use with non-breaking swell dissipation SSWELL ZIEGER. Parameter rdcoef is a fraction between 0 and 1, representing the strength of negative wind input. As an example, with [rdcoef]=0.04, for a spectral bin that is opposed to the wind direction, the wind input factor W(k, θ) is negative, and its magnitude is 4% of the corresponding value of the spectral bin that is in the opposite direction (i.e. in the wind direction). See Zieger et al. (2015) eq. 11, where a0 is their notation for [rdcoef]. Default [rdcoef]=0.0 and rdcoef=0.04 is recommended, though as implied by Zieger et al. (2015), this value is not well-established, so the user is encouraged to experiment with other values.


Zieger, S., Babanin, A.V., Rogers, W.E. and Young, I.R., 2015. Observation-based source terms in the third-generation wave model WAVEWATCH. Ocean Modelling, 96, pp.2-25.


In [86]: from rompy.swan.components.physics import NEGATINP

In [87]: negatinp = NEGATINP()

In [88]: print(negatinp.render())

In [89]: negatinp = NEGATINP(rdcoef=0.04)

In [90]: print(negatinp.render())
NEGATINP rdcoef=0.04
field model_type: Literal['negatinp', 'NEGATINP'] = 'negatinp'#

Model type discriminator

field rdcoef: float | None = None#

Coefficient representing the strength of negative wind input

  • ge = 0.0

  • le = 1.0

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.