
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.output.SPECOUT[source]#

Write to data file the wave spectra.

SPECOUT 'sname' SPEC1D|->SPEC2D ->ABS|REL 'fname' &
    (OUTPUT [tbeg] [delt] SEC|MIN|HR|DAY)

With this optional command the user indicates that for each location of the output location set ‘sname’ (see commands POINTS, CURVE, FRAME or GROUP) the 1D or 2D variance / energy (see command SET) density spectrum (either the relative frequency or the absolute frequency spectrum) is to be written to a data file.


This write command supports the following location types: POINTS, CURVE, FRAME and GROUP.


This output file can be used for defining boundary conditions for subsequent SWAN runs (command BOUNDSPEC).


In [1]: from rompy.swan.components.output import SPECOUT

In [2]: out = SPECOUT(sname="outpts", fname="./specout.swn")

In [3]: print(out.render())
SPECOUT sname='outpts' fname='./specout.swn'

In [4]: out = SPECOUT(
   ...:     sname="outpts",
   ...:     dim=dict(model_type="spec2d"),
   ...:     freq=dict(model_type="rel"),
   ...:     fname="./",
   ...:     times=dict(tbeg="2012-01-01T00:00:00", delt="PT30M", dfmt="min"),
   ...: )

In [5]: print(out.render())
SPECOUT sname='outpts' SPEC2D REL fname='./' OUTPUT tbegspc=20120101.000000 deltspc=30.0 MIN

field dim: SPEC1D | SPEC2D | None = None#
Validated by:
field freq: ABS | REL | None = None#
Validated by:
field model_type: Literal['specout', 'SPECOUT'] = 'specout'#

Model type discriminator

Validated by:
cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.

property suffix: str#