
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.output.GROUP[source]#

Output locations on subset of a grid.

GROUP 'sname' SUBGRID [ix1] [ix2] [iy1] [iy2]

With this optional command the user defines a group of output locations on a rectangular or curvilinear grid that is identical with (part of) the computational grid (rectilinear or curvilinear). Such a group may be convenient for the user to obtain output that is not affected by interpolation errors.

The subgrid contains those points (ix,`iy`) of the computational grid for which: ix1 <= ix <= ix2 and iy1 <= iy <= iy2 (The origin of the computational grid is ix=0, iy=0)

Limitations: ix1>=0, ix2<=mxc, iy1>=0, iy2<=myc (mxc and myc as defined in the command CGRID which should always precede this command GROUP)


Cannot be used in 1D-mode or in case of unstructured grids.


Regular and curvilinear grids are supported.


In [1]: from rompy.swan.components.output import GROUP

In [2]: loc = GROUP(sname="subgrid", ix1=20, iy1=0, ix2=50, iy2=100)

In [3]: print(loc.render())
GROUP sname='subgrid' SUBGRID ix1=20 iy1=0 ix2=50 iy2=100

field ix1: int [Required]#

Lowest index of the computational grid in the ix-direction

  • ge = 0

field ix2: int [Required]#

Highest index of the computational grid in the ix-direction

field iy1: int [Required]#

Lowest index of the computational grid in the iy-direction

  • ge = 0

field iy2: int [Required]#

Highest index of the computational grid in the ix-direction

field model_type: Literal['group', 'GROUP'] = 'group'#

Model type discriminator

cmd() str[source]#

Command file string for this component.