
pydantic model rompy.swan.components.output.CURVES[source]#

Output locations along multiple curves.

CURVE 'sname1' [xp1] [yp1] < [int] [xp] [yp] >
CURVE 'sname2' [xp1] [yp1] < [int] [xp] [yp] >

This component can be used to prescribe and render multiple CURVE components.


In [1]: from rompy.swan.components.output import CURVE, CURVES

In [2]: loc1 = CURVE(
   ...:     sname="c1", xp1=7, yp1=-40, npts=[3, 3], xp=[7, 9], yp=[-38, -38],
   ...: )

In [3]: loc2 = CURVE(
   ...:     sname="c2", xp1=3, yp1=-37, npts=[5, 5], xp=[4, 5], yp=[-37, -36],
   ...: )

In [4]: locs = CURVES(curves=[loc1, loc2])

In [5]: print(locs.render())
CURVE sname='c1' xp1=7.0 yp1=-40.0 &
    int=3 xp=7.0 yp=-38.0 &
    int=3 xp=9.0 yp=-38.0
CURVE sname='c2' xp1=3.0 yp1=-37.0 &
    int=5 xp=4.0 yp=-37.0 &
    int=5 xp=5.0 yp=-36.0
field curves: list[CURVE] [Required]#

CURVE components

field model_type: Literal['curves', 'CURVES'] = 'curves'#

Model type discriminator

cmd() list[str][source]#

Return the string or list of strings to render the component to the CMD.

property sname: list[str]#