
pydantic model rompy.schism.namelists.sediment.SEDIMENT[source]#

This file was auto generated from a schism namelist file on 2023-11-20. The full contents of the namelist file are shown below providing associated documentation for the objects:

! Non-cohesive Sediment Model Parameters. !! May 2020 !

!Core parameters &SED_CORE !- D50 MEDIAN SEDIMENT GRAIN DIAMETER (mm) - [1:Ntracers] ——————— !—————————————————————————— Sd50 = 0.12d0, 0.18d0, 0.39d0, 0.60d0, 1.2d0

!- SURFACE EROSION RATE, E0 - [1:Ntracers] ————————– ! If ierosion=0, dimension is kg/m/m/s ! If ierosion=1, dimension is s/m (see M_E of Table 1 of Winterwerp et al. 2012, JGR, vol 117) !—————————————————————————— Erate = 1.6d-3, 1.6d-3, 1.6d-3, 1.6d-3, 1.6d-3 !ierosion=0 !Erate = 1.d-4, 1.d-4, 1.d-4, 1.d-4, 1.d-4 !ierosion=1 /

!Optional parameters shown below are default values unless otherwise stated &SED_OPT !============================================================================== !- SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR EACH CLASS - !- IN THIS SECTION [1:Ntracers] values expected - !============================================================================== !- SEDIMENT TYPE - [1:Ntracers] ———————————————– !- Use to distinguish different sediment behavior: !- 0 = MUD-like : transport only in suspension, no bedload transport !- 1 = SAND-like: suspension + bedload with Van Rijn formulations (with limits !- on grain size: 0.05 <= D50 < 2.0 mm) !- 2 = GRAVEL-like: NOT AVAILABLE NOW (only bedload transport expected) !- !- IMPORTANT NOTE: if the computation of settling velocity or of critical bed !- shear stress are activated (comp_ws=1 or comp_tauce=1), computed values !- will only be applied to SAND-like classes (SED_TYPE=1). For other types !- (MUD-like or GRAVEL-like) user-defined values (defined below) will be !- applied. !—————————————————————————— iSedtype= 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 !5 classes

!- SEDIMENT GRAIN DENSITY (kg/m3) - [1:Ntracers] —————————— !—————————————————————————— Srho = 2650.0d0, 2650.0d0, 2650.0d0, 2650.0d0, 2650.0d0

!- COMPUTATION OF SEDIMENT SETTLING VELOCITY ———————————- !- (Soulsby, 1997) !- 0 = Disabled (user-defined settling velocity) !- 1 = Enabled (Computed from SAND_SD50 and SAND_SRHO) !—————————————————————————— comp_ws = 0

!- COMPUTATION OF SEDIMENT CRITICAL SHEAR STRESS —————————— !- (Soulsby, 1997), from critical Shields parameter !- 0 = Disabled (user defined) !- 1 = Enabled (Computed from SAND_SD50 and SAND_SRHO) !—————————————————————————— comp_tauce = 0

!- PATICLES SETTLING VELOCITY (mm/s) - [1:Ntracers] ————————— ! These will be overwritten if comp_ws=1 & Sedtype(i)=1 (so in that case you can ! comment this line out) !—————————————————————————— Wsed = 1.06d0, 3.92d0, 5.43d0, 10.19d0, 28.65d0

!- CRITICAL SHEAR STRESS FOR EROSION (Pa) - [1:Ntracers] —– ! These will be overwritten if comp_tauce=1 and Sedtype(i)=1 (so in that case you can ! comment this line out) !—————————————————————————— tau_ce = 0.15d0, 0.17d0, 0.23d0, 0.3d0, 0.6d0

!- DEBUG ———————————————————————- !- 0 = silent !- 1 = will output lots of variables to outputs/nonfatal_* !—————————————————————————— sed_debug = 0

!- Dumping/dredging option !- 0: no; 1: needs input ised_dump = 0

!- BEDLOAD ——————————————————————– !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = van rijn (2007) !- 2 = Meyer-Peter and Mueller (1948) - not active !- 3 = Soulsby and Damgaard (2005) !- 4 = Wu and Lin (2014) !—————————————————————————— bedload = 1

!- FILTER and LIMITER for bedload fluxes ————————————– !- > bedload_filter: a diffusive filter (sed2d_filter_diffu) is applied !- to bedload fluxes !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !- > bedload_limiter: limiting the bedload flux components !- according to the sediment mass available within the active layer !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !—————————————————————————— bedload_filter = 0 bedload_limiter = 0

!- SUSPENDED LOAD ————————————————————- !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !—————————————————————————— suspended_load = 1

!- WAVE ASYMMETRY AND BEDLOAD TRANSPORT DUE TO WAVE ACCELERATION-SKEWNESS —– ! Activation usually requires WWM to make sense. !- > iasym !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled (based on Elfrink et al., Coastal Engineering, 2006) !- > w_asym_max: Maximum asymmetry coefficient considered for waves !- > elfrink_filter (diffusive filter based on SED2D) !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !- > ech_uorb !- Number of bins considered to reconstitute orbital velocity temporal !- series along a wave period (Elfrink et al., 2006) !- > bedload_acc !- Methods to compute bedload transport caused by acceleration-skewness Qacc !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Hoefel and Elgar, Science, 2003 !- 2 = Dubarbier et al., Coastal Engineering, 2015 !- > bedload_acc_filter (diffusive filter based on SED2D) !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !- > kacc_hoe (only used if bedload_acc=1) !- Constant [m.s] used in Hoefel and Elgar formulation (default 1.4d-4) !- > kacc_dub (only used if bedload_acc=2) !- Constant [m.s] used in Dubarbier et al. formulation (default 0.631d-4) !- > thresh_acc_opt !- Method to compute the critical mobility parameter that must be exceeded !- for the initiation of sediment transport caused by acceleration-skewness !- 0 = No threshold !- 1 = criterion is a Shields mobility parameter !- 2 = criterion is a critical acceleration [m.s-2], acrit parameter !- > acrit !- critical acceleration [m.s-2] for Qacc, used if thresh_acc_opt = 2 !- Default value used by Hoefel and Elgar (2003) is 0.2 m.s-2 !—————————————————————————— iasym = 0 w_asym_max = 0.4d0 elfrink_filter = 0 ech_uorb = 200 bedload_acc = 0 bedload_acc_filter = 0 kacc_hoe = 1.4d-4 kacc_dub = 0.631d-4 thresh_acc_opt = 2 acrit = 0.2d0

!- BOTTOM SHEAR STRESS ——————————————————– !- > tau_option: controls at which height above the bed the current-induced !- bottom shear stress is derived !- 1 = at the first vertical level above the bed [original option] !- 2 = at a given and constant height of the bed, zstress (in m) !- 3 = mix of 1 and 2: if the near-bed layer thickness is higher than zstress, !- the current-induced stress is derived at the first vertical level. !- Otherwise, it is derived at zstress. !- > tau_max: maximum shear stress value authorised for current and waves (in Pa) !—————————————————————————— tau_option = 1 tau_max = 10.0d0 ![Pa] zstress = 0.2d0 ![m]; only used if tau_option/=1

!- Erosional formulations !- 0 = Ariathurai & Arulanandan (1978) !- 1 = Winterwerp et al. (2012) ! The dimension of the erosion constant SAND_ERATE varies with different formulations !—————————————————————————— ierosion = 0

!- SLOPE FORMULATION ———————————————————- !- To account for contributions of transversal and longitudinal slopes to !- bedload fluxes !- 0 = No bed slope effects !- 1 = Damgaard et al. (1997) ! inactive !- 2 = Delft ! inactive !- 3 = Carmo ! inactive !- 4 = Lesser et al. (2004) ! operational !- 2 coefficients involved in this formulation: !- alpha_bs: coefficient for longitudinal slopes (default 1.0) !- alpha_bn: coefficient for transversal slopes (default 1.5) !—————————————————————————— slope_formulation = 4 alpha_bs = 1.0d0 !only used if slope_formulation=4 alpha_bn = 1.5d0 !only used if slope_formulation=4

!- BOTTOM BOUNDARY CONDITION OPTION !- 1 = Warner (2008) !- 2 = Tsinghua Univ group (under dev) !—————————————————————————— ised_bc_bot = 1

!============================================================================== !- TSINGHUA GROUP PARAMETERS ! !============================================================================== !- SED DEPOSIT CORRECTION COEFFICIENT (-) ————————————- ! Used only if ised_bc_bot=2 !—————————————————————————— alphd = 1.00

!- REFERENCE HEIGHT (-) ——————————————————- !- Reference height for pick-up flux (Zhong et al. 2014) ! Used only if ised_bc_bot=1 !—————————————————————————— refht = 0.75 !suggested value: 0.75;

!- BURSTING PERIOD (-) ——————————————————– !- Nodimesional bursting period Cao(1997) ! Used only if ised_bc_bot=1 and im_pick_up = 2 !—————————————————————————— Tbp = 100.0 !suggested value: 100;

!- BOTTOM PICK-UP OPTION——————————————————- !- 0 = Zhong (2014) !- 1 = Van Rijin (1984) !- 2 = Cao (1997) !- 3 = Nian-Sheng Cheng !- 4 = Zhou !—————————————————————————— im_pick_up = 4

! end of TSINGHUA GROUP PARAMETERS !—————————————————————————–

!—————————————————————————— !- MORPHOLOGY —————————————————————– !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Fully Enabled (Bed characteristics + bathymetry are updated) !- 2 = Partially Enabled (Only bed characteristics are updated for BCG purpose) !- > If sed_morph=1, sed_morph_time (in days) is the time after which active morphology is turned on. !- > morph_fac: Morphological time-scale factor (>= 1.) ! A value of 1.0 leads to no scale effect. !—————————————————————————— sed_morph = 0 sed_morph_time = 1.d0 morph_fac = 1.0d0 !for all classes

!- DRAG FORMULATION ———————————————————– !- 1 = Logarithmic !- 2 = Quadratic (Not functionnal now) !- 3 = Ldrag (Not functionnal now) !—————————————————————————— drag_formulation = 1

!- SEDIMENT DENSITY IN STATE EQUATION —————————————– !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !—————————————————————————— ddensed = 0

!- ROUGHNESS LENGTH PREDICTION FROM BEDFORMS ———————————- !- bedforms_rough: !- 0 = Disabled (rough.gr3 for hydrodynamic and sediment) !- 1 = Z0 bedforms for hydrodynamics (if bfric=1) / Nikurasde for sediment (Van Rijn, 2007) !- 2 = Z0 bedforms for both hydrodynamics (if bfric=1) and sediment ! (so ‘1’ and ‘2’ will send total roughness back to hydro, but total roughness ! is limited to dzb_min*1.e-2 - see sed_friction.F90) !- iwave_ripple: !- 0 = wave ripples computes following Grant and Madsen (1982) !- 1 = wave ripples computes following Nielsen (1992) !- irough_bdld: !- 0 = no roughness induced by sediment transport !- 1 = roughness induced by sediment transport (method following iwave_ripple) ! Note: iwave_ripple and irough_bdld are only used when WWM is invoked !—————————————————————————— bedforms_rough = 0 iwave_ripple = 1 irough_bdld = 1

!- SLUMPING OF SEDIMENTS (AVALANCHING) —————————————- !- slope_avalanching: !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Enabled !- dry_slope_cr: Critical slope for dry element !- wet_slope_cr: Critical slope for wet element !—————————————————————————— slope_avalanching = 1 dry_slope_cr = 1.0 wet_slope_cr = 0.3

!- BED MASS FILTER ———————————————————— !- Filter bed_mass for each sediment class to prevent instabilites in spatial !- sediment distribution (multi-class) due to bedload transport !- (mass-conservative and element-centered). !- See more in subroutine sed_bedmass_filter.F90 !- bedmass_filter: !- 0 = Disabled !- 1 = Weak filter (not quite working) !- 2 = Strong filter (not quite working) !- bedmass_threshold: threshold value for D50 instabilities [mm] (0.01-0.05) !—————————————————————————— bedmass_filter = 0 bedmass_threshold = 0.025

!============================================================================== !- GENERAL AND CONSTANT PARAMETERS - !============================================================================== !- BEDLOAD DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT (-) (>=0.0) ———————————- !—————————————————————————— bdldiffu = 0.5

!- BEDLOAD TRANSPORT RATE COEFFICIENT (-) ————————————- ! [0,infty]; original flux is applied with 1 !—————————————————————————— bedload_coeff = 1.0d0

!- MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM THRESHOLD FOR bottom drag coefficient [-] !—————————————————————————— Cdb_min = 1.d-6 Cdb_max = 0.01

!- ACTIVE LAYER THICKNESS —————————————————– !- > actv_max [m]: Maximum thickness of sediment remobilised !- during one time step (typically a few centimeters). A large value is !- equivalent to no limitation of the active layer thickness computed !- according to Harris and Wiberg (1997) !—————————————————————————— actv_max = 0.05d0

!============================================================================== !- BED SEDIMENT PARAMETERS - !============================================================================== !- NUMBER OF BED LAYERS (-) ————————————————— !—————————————————————————— Nbed = 1

!- INITIAL VERTICAL DISCRETISATION OF SEDIMENT LAYERS ————————- !- > sedlay_ini_opt refers to the following options: !- 0 = the overall bed compartment is discretised in Nbed layers of equivalent !- thickness !- 1 = Top layer thickness = toplay_inithick !- Thickness of layers 2:Nbed = (bedthick_overall-toplay_inithick)/(Nbed-1) !- Require Nbed > 1 !- > toplay_inithick (m): Initial top layer thickness, only used for !- sedlay_ini_opt = 1 !—————————————————————————— sedlay_ini_opt = 0 toplay_inithick = 10.0d-2

!- BED LAYER THICKNESS THRESHOLD (m) —————————————— !- If deposition exceeds this value, a new layer is created ! but the active layer thickness is given in bottom(:,:,iactv) !—————————————————————————— newlayer_thick = 0.001d0

!- EXNER EQUATION ————————————————————- !- Numerical method for the resolution of the sediment continuity equation to !- simulate the bed evolution resulting from bedload transport !- 1 = basic node-centered finite volume method !- 2 = Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) formalism !—————————————————————————— imeth_bed_evol = 2

!- SEDIMENT POROSITY [-] (0.-1.) ———————————————- !- > poro_option !- 1: constant porosity in space and time –> porosity=porosity [original option] !- 2: the porosity is computed according to Wooster et al. (2008), as a !- function of the grain diameter heterogeneity (geometric standard !- deviation). In this case, two coefficients need to be defined, Awooster !- and Bwooster. !- The Awooster parameter corresponds to the average porosity of a well-sorted !- non-cohesive sediment. According to Table 5 in Soulsby (1997), a good !- value can be 0.42. Bwooster represents the porosity decrease when !- the sediment mixture becomes more heteregeneous. It must be defined !- in accordance with Awooster to mimic Wooster’s relation (i.e. !- porosity around 0.25 for a very high grain diameter heterogeneity). !- With Awooster=0.42, Bwooster=-0.46 is fine. !—————————————————————————— poro_option = 1 porosity = 0.4 Awooster = 0.42 Bwooster = -0.458


field sed_opt: SED_OPT = SED_OPT(iSedtype=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], Srho=['2650.0d0', '2650.0d0', '2650.0d0', '2650.0d0', '2650.0d0'], comp_ws=0, comp_tauce=0, Wsed=['1.06d0', '3.92d0', '5.43d0', '10.19d0', '28.65d0'], tau_ce=['0.15d0', '0.17d0', '0.23d0', '0.3d0', '0.6d0'], sed_debug=0, ised_dump=0, bedload=1, bedload_filter=0, bedload_limiter=0, suspended_load=1, iasym=0, w_asym_max='0.4d0', elfrink_filter=0, ech_uorb=200, bedload_acc=0, bedload_acc_filter=0, kacc_hoe='1.4d-4', kacc_dub='0.631d-4', thresh_acc_opt=2, acrit='0.2d0', tau_option=1, tau_max='10.0d0', zstress='0.2d0', ierosion=0, slope_formulation=4, alpha_bs='1.0d0', alpha_bn='1.5d0', ised_bc_bot=1, alphd=1.0, refht=0.75, Tbp=100.0, im_pick_up=4, sed_morph=0, sed_morph_time='1.d0', morph_fac='1.0d0', drag_formulation=1, ddensed=0, bedforms_rough=0, iwave_ripple=1, irough_bdld=1, slope_avalanching=1, dry_slope_cr=1.0, wet_slope_cr=0.3, bedmass_filter=0, bedmass_threshold=0.025, bdldiffu=0.5, bedload_coeff='1.0d0', Cdb_min='1.d-6', Cdb_max=0.01, actv_max='0.05d0', Nbed=1, sedlay_ini_opt=0, toplay_inithick='10.0d-2', newlayer_thick='0.001d0', imeth_bed_evol=2, poro_option=1, porosity=0.4, Awooster=0.42, Bwooster=-0.458)#
field set_core: SED_CORE = SED_CORE(Sd50=['0.12d0', '0.18d0', '0.39d0', '0.60d0', '1.2d0'], Erate=['1.6d-3', '1.6d-3', '1.6d-3', '1.6d-3', '1.6d-3'])#