pydantic model[source]#

This file was auto generated from a schism namelist file on 2023-11-20. The full contents of the namelist file are shown below providing associated documentation for the objects:

!parameter inputs via namelist convention. !(1)Use ‘’ for chars; (2) integer values are fine for real vars/arrays; !(3) if multiple entries for a parameter are found, the last one wins - please avoid this !(4) array inputs follow column major and can spill to multiple lines !(5) space allowed before/after ‘=’ !(6) Not all required variables need to be present, but all that are present must belong to the list below. Best to list _all_ parameters.


!All values shown are default unless otherwise stated ice_tests = 0 !box test flag ice_advection = 1 !advection on/off ice_therm_on = 1 !ice thermodynamics on/off flag ievp=2 !1: EVP; 2: mEVP ice_cutoff=1.e-3 !cut-off thickness [m] or fraction for ice. No ice velocity if *<=ice_cuttoff evp_rheol_steps=200 ! the number of sybcycling steps in EVP mevp_rheol_steps=200 ! the number of iterations in mEVP !ice_atmos_stress_form: 0-const Cd; 1: FESOM formulation ice_atmos_stress_form=1 cdwin0=2.e-3 !needed if ice_atmos_stress_form=0 (const Cdw)

delta_min=2.0e-9 ! (1/s) Limit for minimum divergence (Hibler, Hunke

! normally use 2.0e-9, which does much stronger ! limiting; valid for both VP and EVP

theta_io=0. ! ice/ocean rotation angle. [degr]. Usually 0 unless vgrid is too coarse

!Options for specifying 2 relax coefficients in mEVP only (mevp_coef) !0: constant (mevp_alpha[12] below); 1: both coefficients equal to: mevp_alpha3/tanh(mevp_alpha4*area/dt_ice) !In this case, mevp_alpha3 is the min, and at the finer end of mesh, the coeff’s are approximately ~mevp_alpha4^-1 mevp_coef=0 mevp_alpha1=200. !const used in mEVP (constitutive eq), if mevp_coef=0 mevp_alpha2=200. !const used in mEVP for momentum eq, if mevp_coef=0 mevp_alpha3=200. !if mevp_coef=1 mevp_alpha4=2.e-2 !if mevp_coef=1

pstar=15000. ![N/m^2] ellipse=2. !ellipticity c_pressure=20.0 !C [-]

!FCT ncyc_fct=1 !# of subcycling in transport niter_fct=3 !# of iterartions in higher-order solve ice_gamma_fct=0.25 ! smoothing parameter; 1 for max positivity preserving !non-FCT zone is delineated by h<=depth_ice_fct OR depth=0 in ice_fct.gr3 depth_ice_fct=5. !cut off depth (m) for non-FCT

!Thermodynamics h_ml0=0.1 !ocean mixed layer depth [m] salt_ice=5. !salinity for ice [PSU] (>=0) salt_water=34. !salinity for water [PSU] (>=0) lead_closing=0.5 !lead closing parameter [m] - larger values slow down freezing-up but increase sea ice thickness Saterm=0.5 !Semter const -smaller value could slow down melting albsn=0.85 !Albedo: frozen snow albsnm=0.75 !melting snow (<=albsn) albi=0.75 !frozen ice (<=albsn) albm=0.66 !melting ice (<=albi)


field ice_in: ICE_IN = ICE_IN(ice_tests=0, ice_advection=1, ice_therm_on=1, ievp=2, ice_cutoff='1.e-3', evp_rheol_steps=200, mevp_rheol_steps=200, ice_atmos_stress_form=1, cdwin0='2.e-3', delta_min='2.0e-9', theta_io=0.0, mevp_coef=0, mevp_alpha1=200.0, mevp_alpha2=200.0, mevp_alpha3=200.0, mevp_alpha4='2.e-2', pstar=15000.0, ellipse=2.0, c_pressure=20.0, ncyc_fct=1, niter_fct=3, ice_gamma_fct=0.25, depth_ice_fct=5.0, h_ml0=0.1, salt_ice=5.0, salt_water=34.0, lead_closing=0.5, Saterm=0.5, albsn=0.85, albsnm=0.75, albi=0.75, albm=0.66)#