
pydantic model rompy.schism.config.SchismCSIROConfig[source]#
field CGPP: str = 'F'#

peak group speed

Validated by:
field CPP: str = 'F'#

peak phase velocity

Validated by:
field DM: str = 'T'#

mean wave direction

Validated by:
field DPEAK: str = 'T'#

peak direction

Validated by:
field DSPR: str = 'T'#

directional spreading

Validated by:
field HS: str = 'T'#

significant wave height

Validated by:
field KPP: str = 'F'#

peak wave number

Validated by:
field LPP: str = 'F'#

peak wave length

Validated by:
field ORBITAL: str = 'F'#

bottom orbital velocity

Validated by:
field PEAKD: str = 'T'#

peak direction

Validated by:
field PEAKDSPR: str = 'T'#

peak directional spreading

Validated by:
field TM01: str = 'T'#

mean period

Validated by:
field TM02: str = 'F'#

zero-crossing mean period

Validated by:
field TPP: str = 'T'#

peak period

Validated by:
field TPPD: str = 'T'#

direaction of the peak … check source code

Validated by:
field UBOT: str = 'F'#

bottom exc. velocity

Validated by:
field WNPP: str = 'F'#

peak wave number

Validated by:
field ac: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field brcrYN: str = ''#

Wave breaking parameterization (T/F)

Validated by:
field currYN: str = '!'#

Current data (T/F)

Validated by:
field data: SCHISMData [Required]#

Model inputs

Validated by:
field definetc: int = -1#

Definition of output time step (1-3)

Validated by:
field deltc: int = 360#


Validated by:
field deltc_out: int = 3600#

Output time step (s)

Validated by:
field dramp: float = 1.0#


Validated by:
field drampwafo: float = 1.0#


Validated by:
field drampwind: float = 1.0#


Validated by:
field dzb_decayYN: str = '!'#


Validated by:
field extrap: str = 'T'#

Extrapolation of wave boundary data (T/F)

Validated by:
field extrapYN: str = '!'#

Extrapolation of wave boundary data (T/F)

Validated by:
field filewind: str = 'wind.dat'#

Name of the wind data file

Validated by:
field fricc: float = 0.11#

Bottom friction factor

Validated by:
field grid: SCHISMGrid [Required]#

The model grid

Validated by:
field h1_bcc: float = 50.0#

Baroclinicity calculation in off/nearshore with iunder_deep=ibc=0. The ‘below-bottom’ gradient is zeroed out if h>=h2_bcc (i.e. like Z) or uses const extrap (i.e. like terrain-following) if h<=h1_bcc(<h2_bcc) (and linear transition in between based on local depth)

Validated by:
field h2_bcc: float = 100.0#

Baroclinicity calculation in off/nearshore with iunder_deep=ibc=0. The ‘below-bottom’ gradient is zeroed out if h>=h2_bcc (i.e. like Z) or uses const extrap (i.e. like terrain-following) if h<=h1_bcc(<h2_bcc) (and linear transition in between based on local depth)

Validated by:
field h_bcc1: float = 100.0#

Cut-off depth for cubic spline interpolation near bottom when computing horizontal gradients

Validated by:
field ibreak: int = 1#

Wave breaking parameterization (1-3)

Validated by:
field ibtrack_openbndYN: str = '!'#


Validated by:
field ic_elev: int = 0#

elevation initial condition flag for cold start only

Validated by:
field icou_elfe_wwm: int = 1#

If WWM is used, set coupling/decoupling flag. Not used if USE_WWM is distabled in Makefile. 0: decoupled so 2 models will run independently; 1: full coupled (elevation, vel, and wind are all passed to WWM); 2: elevation and currents in wwm, no wave force in SCHISM; 3: no elevation and no currents in wwm, wave force in SCHISM; 4: elevation but no currents in wwm, wave force in SCHISM; 5: elevation but no currents in wwm, no wave force in SCHISM; 6: no elevation but currents in wwm, wave force in SCHISM; 7: no elevation but currents in wwm, no wave force in SCHISM; Note that all these parameters must be present in this file (even though not used).

Validated by:
field ihfskip: float = 720#

stack spool; every ihfskip steps will be put into 1_*, 2_*, etc… use 22320.0 for 31 days; 5040 for 7 days; 21600 for 30 days; 20880 for 29 days

Validated by:
field ihot: int = 0#

hotstart 0: off; 1: on - whether to expect hotstarts - Default - 0-

Validated by:
field inv_atm_bnd: int = 1#


Validated by:
field iout_sta: int = 0#

Station output option

Validated by:
field iouts: str = 15#
Validated by:
field iwbl: int = 0#

wave boundary layer formulation (used only if USE_WMM and icou_elfe_wwm/=0 and nchi=1. If icou_elfe_wwm=0, set iwbl=0): 1-modified Grant-Madsen formulation; 2-Soulsby (1997)

Validated by:
field iwind_form: int = 1#

Needed if nws/=0 !usually use -1, trialling -2 to see if makes a difference

Validated by:
field iwindoffYN: str = '!'#


Validated by:
field limfak: float = 0.1#

Wave energy limit factor

Validated by:
field lindsprdeg: str = 'F'#

Linear interpolation of directional spread (T/F)

Validated by:
field lsourceswam: str = 'F'#

Source term for SWAN (T/F)

Validated by:
field lsp2d: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field mdc2: int = 36#

same as mdc in .nml

Validated by:
field melim: int = 1#

Wave energy limit (1-3)

Validated by:
field mesbf: int = 2#

Output message level (0-2)

Validated by:
field mesin: int = 1#

Input message level (0-2)

Validated by:
field model_type: Literal['schismcsiro'] = 'schismcsiro'#

The model type for SCHISM.

Validated by:
field msc2: int = 36#

same as msc in .nml … for consitency check between SCHISM and WWM

Validated by:
field nadv: int = 1#


Validated by:
field nchi: int = -1#

bottom friction

Validated by:
field nouts: str = "'AWAC_in','AWAC_mid','AWAC_off','SPOT_1002','SPOT_1011','SPOT_1018','SPOT_1026'"#


Validated by:
field nstep_wwm: int = 3#

call WWM every this many time steps. If /=1, consider using quasi-steady mode in WWM

Validated by:
field outstyle: str = 'NC'#

Output style (NC/WW3)

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro1: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - elev. [m] {elev} 2D - Default 1

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro10: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - total flux=-flsu-fllu-(radu-radd) [W/m/m] {total_heat_flux} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro11: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - evaporation rate [kg/m/m/s] {evaporation} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro12: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - precipitation rate [kg/m/m/s] {precipitation} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro13: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - Bottom stress vector [kg/m/s^2(Pa)] {bottom_stress} 2D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro14: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - wind velocity vector [m/s] {wind_speed} 2D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro15: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - wind stress vector [m^2/s/s] {wind_stress} 2D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro16: int = 1#

output 0: off; 1: on - depth-averaged vel vector [m/s] {dahv} 2D vector - Default 1

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro17: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - vertical velocity [m/s] {vertical_velocity} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro18: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - water temperature [C] {temp} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro19: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - water salinity [PSU] {salt} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro2: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - air pressure [Pa] {air_pressure} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro20: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - water density [kg/m^3] {water_density} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro21: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - eddy diffusivity [m^2/s] {diffusivity} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro22: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - eddy viscosity [m^2/s] {viscosity} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro23: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - turbulent kinetic energy {TKE} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro24: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - turbulent mixing length [m] {mixing_length} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro25: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - horizontal vel vector [m/s] {hvel} 3D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro26: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - horizontal vel vector defined @side [m/s] {hvel_side} 3D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro27: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - vertical vel. @elem [m/s] {wvel_elem} 3D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro28: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - T @prism centers [C] {temp_elem} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro29: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - S @prism centers [PSU] {salt_elem} 3D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro3: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - air temperature [C] {air_temperature} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro30: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - Barotropic pressure gradient force vector (m.s-2) @side centers {pressure_gradient} 2D vector - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro4: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - Specific humidity [-] {specific_humidity} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro5: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - solar (shortwave) radiation [W/m/m] {solar_radiation} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro6: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - sensible flux (positive upward) [W/m/m] {sensible_flux} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro7: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - latent heat flux (positive upward) [W/m/m] {latent_heat} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro8: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - upward longwave radiation (positive upward) [W/m/m] {upward_longwave} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_iof_hydro9: int = 0#

output 0: off; 1: on - downward longwave radiation (positive downward) [W/m/m] {downward_longwave} 2D - Default 0

Validated by:
field param_nhot: int = 0#

use 1 to write out hotstart: output *_hotstart every ‘hotout_write’ steps

Validated by:
field param_nhot_write: float = 22320.0#

if enabled when nhot and nhotwriteYN enabled then must be a multiple of ihfskip if nhot=1

Validated by:
field param_nhot_writeYN: str = '!'#

enables or disables (!) the nhot write field

Validated by:
field param_nspool_sta: int = 30#

needed if iout_sta/=0; mod(nhot_write,nspool_sta) must=0 defaults to 30

Validated by:
field project: str = 'WAXA'#


Validated by:
field rlatitude: float = -29#

if ncor=-1

Validated by:
field sav_cdYN: str = '!'#

Save current direction (T/F)

Validated by:
field sfea0: float = -29.0#

Reference latitude for beta-plane approximation when ncor=1 (not used if ics=2)

Validated by:
field slam0: float = 120.0#

Reference latitude for beta-plane approximation when ncor=1 (not used if ics=2)

Validated by:
field template: str | None = '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.14/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rompy/templates/schism'#

The path to the model template

Validated by:
field thetai: float = 0.8#

Implicitness factor (0.5<thetai<=1).

Validated by:
field time_step: float = 120.0#


Validated by:
field utc_start: int = 0#


Validated by:
field walvYN: str = '!'#

Wave-induced current data (T/F)

Validated by:
field wbdm: int = 90#

Wave boundary data mode (1-4)

Validated by:
field windYN: str = '!'#

Wind data (T/F)

Validated by:
field wwm1: int = 1#

sig. height (m) {sigWaveHeight} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm10: int = 0#

Continuous peak period based on higher order moments (sec) {continuousPeakPeriod} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm11: int = 0#

Peak phase vel. (m/s) {peakPhaseVel} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm12: int = 0#

Peak n-factor {peakNFactor} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm13: int = 0#

Peak group vel. (m/s) {peakGroupVel} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm14: int = 0#

Peak wave number {peakWaveNumber} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm15: int = 0#

Peak wave length {peakWaveLength} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm16: int = 1#

Peak (dominant) direction (degr) {dominantDirection} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm17: int = 1#

Peak directional spreading {peakSpreading} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm18: int = 1#

Discrete peak direction (radian?) {discretePeakDirectio} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm19: int = 0#

Orbital vel. (m/s) {orbitalVelocity} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm2: int = 1#

Mean average period (sec) - TM01 {meanWavePeriod} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm20: int = 0#

RMS Orbital vel. (m/s) {rmsOrbitalVelocity} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm21: int = 0#

Bottom excursion period (sec?) {bottomExcursionPerio} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm22: int = 0#

Bottom wave period (sec) {bottomWavePeriod} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm23: int = 0#

Uresell number based on peak period {UresellNumber} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm24: int = 0#

Friction velocity (m/s?) {frictionalVelocity} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm25: int = 0#

Charnock coefficient {CharnockCoeff} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm26: int = 0#

Rougness length {rougnessLength} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm27: int = 0#

Roller energy dissipation rate (W/m²) @nodes {Drol} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm28: int = 0#

Total wave energy dissipation rate by depth-induced breaking (W/m²) @nodes {wave_sbrtot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm29: int = 0#

Total wave energy dissipation rate by bottom friction (W/m²) @nodes {wave_sbftot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm3: int = 0#

Zero down crossing period for comparison with buoy (s) - TM02 {zeroDowncrossPeriod} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm30: int = 0#

Total wave energy dissipation rate by whitecapping (W/m²) @nodes {wave_sdstot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm31: int = 0#

Total wave energy dissipation rate by vegetation (W/m²) @nodes {wave_svegtot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm31YN: str = '!'#

Total wave energy dissipation rate by vegetation (W/m2) @nodes {wave_svegtot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm32: int = 0#

Total wave energy input rate from atmospheric forcing (W/m²) @nodes {wave_sintot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm32YN: str = '!'#

Total wave energy input rate from atmospheric forcing (W/m2) @nodes {wave_sintot} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm33: int = 0#

WWM_energy vector {waveEnergyDirX,Y} 2D vector

Validated by:
field wwm33YN: str = '!'#

WWM_energy vector {waveEnergyDirX,Y} 2D vector

Validated by:
field wwm34: int = 0#

Vertical Stokes velocity (m.s-1) @sides and whole levels {stokes_wvel} 3D

Validated by:
field wwm34YN: str = '!'#

Vertical Stokes velocity (m.s-1) @sides and whole levels {stokes_wvel} 3D

Validated by:
field wwm35: int = 0#

Wave force vector (m.s-2) computed by wwm @side centers and whole levels {waveForceX,Y} 3D vector

Validated by:
field wwm35YN: str = '!'#

Wave force vector (m.s-2) computed by wwm @side centers and whole levels {waveForceX,Y} 3D vector

Validated by:
field wwm36: int = 0#

Horizontal Stokes velocity (m.s-1) @nodes and whole levels {stokes_hvel} 3D vector

Validated by:
field wwm36YN: str = '!'#

Horizontal Stokes velocity (m.s-1) @nodes and whole levels {stokes_hvel} 3D vector

Validated by:
field wwm37: int = 0#

Roller contribution to horizontal Stokes velocity (m.s-1) @nodes and whole levels {roller_stokes_hvel} 3D vector

Validated by:
field wwm37YN: str = '!'#

Roller contribution to horizontal Stokes velocity (m.s-1) @nodes and whole levels {roller_stokes_hvel} 3D vector

Validated by:
field wwm4: int = 0#

Average period of wave runup/overtopping - TM10 {TM10} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm5: int = 0#

Mean wave number (1/m) {meanWaveNumber} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm6: int = 0#

Mean wave length (m) {meanWaveLength} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm7: int = 0#

Mean average energy transport direction (degr) - MWD in NDBC? {meanWaveDirection} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm8: int = 1#

Mean directional spreading (degr) {meanDirSpreading} 2D

Validated by:
field wwm9: int = 1#

Discrete peak period (sec) - Tp {peakPeriod} 2D

Validated by:
field wwminput_LHOTF: str = 'F'#

wwminput Write hotfile

Validated by:
field wwminput_LHOTR: str = 'F'#

Use hotstart file (see &HOTFILE section)

Validated by:
field wwminput_LINID: str = 'T'#

Initial condition; F for default; use T if using WW3 as i.c. etc

Validated by:
field wwminput_history_DELTC: int = 3600#

Time step for output; if smaller than simulation time step, the latter is used (output every step for better 1D 2D spectra analysis)

Validated by:
field wwminput_history_DEP: str = 'F'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_OUTSTYLE: str = 'NC'#

‘output option - use ‘NO’ for no output

Validated by:
field wwminput_history_STOKESBAROX: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_STOKESBAROY: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_STOKESSURFX: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_STOKESSURFY: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_TAUHF: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_TAUTOT: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_history_TAUW: str = 'F'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_hotfile_DELTC: int = 0#

hotfile time in UNITC (typically seconds) when hotfile should be written, defaults to 3600

Validated by:
field wwminput_station_DELTC: int = 3600#

Time step for output; if smaller than simulation time step, the latter is used (output every step for better 1D 2D spectra analysis)

Validated by:
field wwminput_station_DEP: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_OUTSTYLE: str = 'NO'#

‘NO’ no output ‘STE’ classic station output (default) ‘NC’ for netcdf output

Validated by:
field wwminput_station_STOKESBAROX: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_STOKESBAROY: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_STOKESSURFX: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_STOKESSURFY: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_TAUHF: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_TAUTOT: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field wwminput_station_TAUW: str = 'T'#


Validated by:
field xouts: str = '115.6208687,115.5941886,115.58077,115.5942931,115.5830497,115.5807825,115.5960683'#


Validated by:
field youts: str = '-32.611605,-32.611605,-32.613682,-32.6253914,-32.6135870,-32.6294226,-32.6096741'#


Validated by:
validator validate_bottom_friction  »  all fields[source]#