Source code for rompy.swan.subcomponents.output

"""SWAN output subcomponents."""
from typing import Literal
from pydantic import Field

from rompy.swan.subcomponents.base import BaseSubComponent

[docs] class SPEC1D(BaseSubComponent): """Frequency 1D spectra. .. code-block:: text SPEC1D Examples -------- .. ipython:: python :okwarning: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.output import SPEC1D spec = SPEC1D() print(spec.render()) """ model_type: Literal["spec1d", "SPEC1D"] = Field( default="spec1d", description="Model type discriminator" )
[docs] def cmd(self) -> str: """Command file string for this subcomponent.""" return "SPEC2D"
[docs] class SPEC2D(BaseSubComponent): """Frequency-direction 2D spectra. .. code-block:: text SPEC2D Examples -------- .. ipython:: python :okwarning: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.output import SPEC2D spec = SPEC2D() print(spec.render()) """ model_type: Literal["spec2d", "SPEC2D"] = Field( default="spec2d", description="Model type discriminator" )
[docs] def cmd(self) -> str: """Command file string for this subcomponent.""" return "SPEC2D"
[docs] class ABS(BaseSubComponent): """Absolute frequency spectra. .. code-block:: text ABS Spectra are computed as a function of absolute frequency, i.e., the frequency as measured in a fixed point. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python :okwarning: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.output import ABS freq = ABS() print(freq.render()) """ model_type: Literal["abs", "ABS"] = Field( default="abs", description="Model type discriminator" )
[docs] def cmd(self) -> str: """Command file string for this subcomponent.""" return "ABS"
[docs] class REL(BaseSubComponent): """Relative frequency spectra. .. code-block:: text REL Spectra are computed as a function of relative frequency, i.e., the frequency as measured when moving with current. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python :okwarning: from rompy.swan.subcomponents.output import REL freq = REL() print(freq.render()) """ model_type: Literal["rel", "REL"] = Field( default="rel", description="Model type discriminator" )
[docs] def cmd(self) -> str: """Command file string for this subcomponent.""" return "REL"