pydantic model[source]#

Source dataset from intake catalog.


The intake catalog can be prescribed either by the URI of an existing catalog file or by a YAML string defining the catalog. The YAML string can be obtained from calling the yaml() method on an intake dataset instance.

field catalog_uri: str | Path | None = None#

The URI of the catalog to read from

Validated by:
field catalog_yaml: str | None = None#

The YAML string of the catalog to read from

Validated by:
field dataset_id: str [Required]#

The id of the dataset to read in the catalog

Validated by:
field kwargs: dict = {}#

Keyword arguments to define intake dataset parameters

Validated by:
field model_type: Literal['intake'] = 'intake'#

Model type discriminator

Validated by:
validator check_catalog  »  all fields[source]#
property catalog: Catalog#

The intake catalog instance.